Closing the Chapter on CMU

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" -Dr. Seuss Did I want the best few months of my favorite year at CMU to end as abruptly as it did? No. Are we rolling with the punches 2020 is throwing at us? Yes! Looking back on this year, I am thankful for all the twists [...]

Havin’ a (grad) BALL

Everyone with the LAS scholarship is required to participate on a "LEAD" team. At the beginning of the semester, we all took a survey to get placed onto different LEAD teams. I was placed on the "Grad Ball" LEAD team. What we did as a team was plan an event for the graduating seniors in [...]


Spark Leadership is a one day conference about discovering your leadership style, and tapping into pinpointing your leadership identity. At the beginning of Spark, I was split up into a small group along with everyone else. We started off with a few icebreaker activities toget warmed up to the other members of our groups. The [...]

A.D. – After Detroit

LAS in the D was one of the most life changing experiences for me. On February 10th, 2017 my LAS cohort took a weekend trip down to Detroit. A few days before the trip left, our class met and we were told exactly what this trip has in store for us. We had a jam [...]

B.D.- Before Detroit

Living in northern Michigan, I have been blind to a lot of the issues Detroit has gone through. I've always known that it took a turn for the worst, but I didn't know when and I didn't know why. Detroit isn't something connected to me personally, so I never went out  of my way to learn the history [...]

Get Connected

Connections Leadership Conference is full of insightful speakers, and dynamic workshops that guide you in a positive leadership direction. During the conference we were given the opportunity to make connections with other leaders at CMU. However, it wasn't all work and no play, we had most of Friday evening to ourselves. The conference was held [...]