Library Committee

During the previous 2018-2019 academic year I served on the Academic Senate Library Committee. There were a few other LAS students that also served on the committee. At the meetings we would listen to the committee discuss updates on the library, and survey results from the previous year. Serving on this committee encouraged me to [...]

LAS Learning Service Experience

This year I had the honor and privilege of being a facilitator for the LAS Learning Service Trip in Detroit. It is a tradition for all LAS freshman to attend this service trip, and it really brought my experience full circle going back and facilitating it my junior year. They had adjusted the trip since [...]

Yayyyyy Safari!!

The Leadership Safari Program isĀ an incredible program run through the Leadership Institute at CMU. Over 2,000 incoming students are acclimated to campus and college life through this week-long adventure. I participated myself as a Freshman in 2016, and applied to work the conference the following fall as a part of the 2017 C-Team staff. Through [...]

Savin’ the turtles

The alternative breaks program is one of my absolute favorites on CMU's campus. The summer before my junior year at school I traveled to Singer Island, FL with twelve passionate women to volunteer on behalf of animal endangerment. At this time in my life, I was in desperate need of some positivity in my life. [...]

To My Mentee:

I can't believe that a year has already gone by with you as my wonderful mentee! It seems like only last week I was revealing myself to you through a care package with some of your favorite things, and a sign that said "say yes to adventure". That was way back when we were complete [...]

Making a Difference

The Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center has turned into one of my absolute favorite involvements at CMU, but it started as my most intimidating. Most specifically, the Alternative Breaks Program. You know when people tell you to take a leap outside of your comfort zone, and you might just love what happens? This is a [...]

ALFB: E-board Edition

During my freshman year of college, I found my niche on campus. "A Letter For Better" was warm, welcoming, and I knew it was for me. I chose to run for the club's Treasurer position so I could play a larger role in the organization. Over these past two semesters, I got to serve alongside [...]